Escaping the black hole of a technological debt.
Audience: enterprise architect
Unfortunately, the space between the vision and the theory of "how an organization could work" and practical reality is sometimes too big. And so, paradoxically, those organizations that would need the most fundamental change in operation are most opposed to this change. This paralysis also has a very practical basis. The change is too big. Every change, both at the individual and organizational level, must take place step by step. Otherwise it will never be realized. Sometimes it even starts but doesn't finish.
Technological debt - an elephant in a room that is not talked about
Technological debt is often mentioned at the software level. The issue is much more complicated. Because it is necessary to perceive an overall view that includes infrastructure, systems, applications, processes and structure beyond software. It's a big space where there is a huge mess. This means extraordinary risk and at the same time significantly slowing down performance. It is a tax that is paid for the hasty construction of IT solutions in large companies. It's a tax that everyone pays, because no one knew thirty years ago which direction technologies would evolve. For too long, it has worked in a way that an immediate solution has been a priority. Now everyone is beginning to realize the danger, the ticking bomb, that this problem poses. But because the problem is too big, little is said about it. Resp. it is already said, but with the solution it is more difficult.
Technological debt - a risk that is growing dangerously fast
Young children believe that when they close their eyes, the scarecrow disappears. It won't disappear. On the contrary, it grows every day. And so it poses a growing risk every day. It grows with every decision when an acute solution is superior to a long-term solution. There is a possibility that the whole system, the performance of which, of course, decreases significantly with increasing technological debt, is paralyzed to such an extent that the technological debt itself becomes acute. But this must be avoided at all costs. The first step to solving this is to raise this issue to the highest level, the level of the board. And there to speak clearly about the consequences, which are absolutely necessary without a solution. At the highest level, it is not good to just raise a problem, it is necessary to bring an equal solution.
First step - define the problem and describe the procedure
The crucial first step is to describe the current situation. As simple as it sounds, it's a big problem in the final. The organization is a living organism and the situation is complex. Even a meaningful description alone, which could easily define the current situation while maintaining connectivity, dependencies and overall interconnectedness, is already too big a bite. The next step is to define solution scenarios and design a tool to help facilitate the solution. Needless to say, the organization is not a heating plant that we can shut down for a week during the summer holidays. That everything happens not only during normal operation, but the business pushes to implement strategy and innovation. This means "clean-up" must be carried out in parallel with all other initiatives.
Architectural debt on the top of technological debt
Enterprise architecture tools are one of the key solutions to describe the situation. However, it is necessary to have a tool that is sophisticated enough to create a dynamic description, not a static image that becomes obsolete almost immediately and as such is actually misleading. It is advisable to have a tool that allows you to define scenarios, perform impact analysis and optimize the final scenario and create a roadmap, milestones. Set up an evaluation system.
Otherwise, when there is no description of the situation, the architectural debt increases beyond the technological debt (absence of a description of the situation). The risk then grows exponentially and the solution is even more remote.
Agility and business agility
Agility can very easily deepen the technological debt, as its approach focuses on the "here and now" and on independent solutions that understandably accelerate the implementation of innovation. However, it is necessary to monitor very carefully whether this is happening at the expense of deepening technological debt. Because then it is only a matter of time before it will be "paid". Therefore, it is good to talk about business agility or adaptability, ie the ability to change and implement innovations, provided that the context of the overall business and thus the organization as a whole is taken into account.
Optimal balance
Life itself and all great functional systems are based on the magical principle of balance. Therefore, within the overall development, it is necessary to consider the medium-term impact when solving acute problems. Short-term technological solutions cannot mean an excessive increase in risk and costs in the medium term. It is necessary to maintain a healthy balance, otherwise the overall performance of the company is fundamentally endangered. It is important not to create an unfortunate technological heritage, for which the company will pay for a very long time.
Every crisis is an opportunity
Admitting the problem, solving it and setting up the overall system is actually a huge benefit for the further development of the enterprise. It is true, as in many other cases, that the solution to the problem provides significant added value, in this case often truly systemic. It could be the silver lining that could change the mindset. So the more successful the overall solution and its implementation can be. The stronger determination to solve the issue.