Bizzdesign product news – Q4/2022

Reading time: 3 min.
Audience: Bizzdesign user

Continuing the series of articles about new features in Bizzdesign, we offer you an overview of the newly added functionality. We have prepared a summary of the last quarter of the year.

The latest version of Bizzdesign is called 4 and its last release was on December 8, 2022. For a quick and always up-to-date description of what's new, follow the link below: Latest release.

News of version 4 from December 08, 2022

  1. Process modeling in Horizzon
  2. Horizzon process modeling: Design tab on Horizzon homepage to access modeling work
  3. Horizzon process modeling: New keyboard shortcuts for BPMN diagram
  4. Horizzon process modeling: Reposition object labels
  5. Setting favorite objects in site
  6. Kibana replaced by OpenSearch Dashboards
  7. Table view for data blocks
1. Process modeling in Horizzon

Process modeling in Horizzon is a new feature in preview. The feature lets users refine ArchiMate behavior elements into BPMN processes by modeling processes in BPMN diagrams in Horizzon. Creating the BPMN diagrams is policy- and workflow-driven. The feature will be intensively developed further in the near future; adjustments and extensions will follow in upcoming releases.

Setting up diagram policies to assign process modelers and create modeling tasks

To create modeling tasks for the users, diagram policies can be set up for ArchiMate behavior element by users with the Lead Designer role. In „diagram policies“, the process modelers (users) are specified and an update schedule can be set for generating the task. Only users with the Designer role can be assigned as process modeler.

Horizzon - diagram policies for ArchiMate behavioral element

Picking up modeling tasks

If an update schedule is specified, the assigned process modelers get a modeling task on their tasks overview page („My tasks“). The tasks overview shows modeling tasks with their current status: open, in progress, or done. Depending on the user's role(s), modeling tasks will be shown directly on the page, or the Design tab (in addition to the Contribute tab for data tasks).

Horizzon - modeling tasks overview

When users click a task, they will be directed to the Design page where they can claim the task and start modeling the BPMN process. The Design page shows all ArchiMate behavior objects for which the user is an assigned process modeler.

Multiple process modelers can work on the same modeling task, but only one user at a time can claim the task and work on the BPMN diagram.

If no update schedule is defined, process modelers can navigate to the Models page of a model package and look for design work there. They can proactively start working on a BPMN diagram from the Design page (after which the work will automatically turn into a task).

Horizzon – Design page

Refining objects by modeling BPMN processes

Once a modeling task is claimed or work on a new BPMN process is started, the process modeler can start modeling on a canvas in Horizzon. Concepts for modeling BPMN Process and Collaboration diagrams are available. When the diagram is finished, the process modeler can publish the diagram on the Design page. Before finishing, the modeler can close the diagram anytime and resume modeling later.

Horizzon - BPMN diagrams modeling

Sharing BPMN diagrams

Once a BPMN diagram is published by a user, other users having the same task can continue editing the diagram and publish it when they are ready. That way, multiple users can work on the diagram.

When the diagram is published it also becomes visible on its ArchiMate element in sites. The element needs to be in scope of the site. Consumers with access to the site can find the diagram in the Refinements section of the element and from there view it by clicking the diagram. The diagram is only available in the context of the element, it is not available as a regular view in the site.

The diagram can be shared with other Horizzon users with access to the site via a hyperlink.

Horizzon - BPMN diagram view

For more information, please refer to Process modeling in Horizzon.

2. Horizzon process modeling: Design tab on Horizzon homepage to access modeling work

The Horizon homepage now has a Design tab as the entry point for process modeling work (creating BPMN diagrams). When clicking the tab, the Models section shows the models that contain objects for which BPMN diagrams can be worked on. The Objects section shows the individual objects the user can perform modeling work on, with or without a task.

Horizzon – Design page
3. Modelovanie procesov v Horizzone: Nové klávesové skratky pre BPMN diagram

Three new keyboard shortcuts have been added to the BPMN diagram in Horizzon:

  • Zoom (Ctrl+mouse wheel)
  • Scroll vertically (mouse wheel)
  • Scroll horizontally (Shift+mouse wheel)

The overview of keyboard shortcuts now consists of two tabs: General and Diagram.

Horizzon - keybord shortcuts for BPMN diagram
4. Horizzon process modeling: Reposition object labels

Labels on objects in the BPMN diagram in Horizzon can be repositioned to different predefined positions inside or outside the object. If a label is positioned inside the object, it can quickly be selected by holding down the Shift key and then selecting the label. After that, the label can be repositioned in another place.

Pri použití Comfort mode na modelovanie sa label automaticky premiestni do lepšej polohy, ak koliduje so vstupnou alebo výstupnou reláciou alebo objektom pripojeným k tejto relácii. Stane sa to pri vytváraní, opätovnom pripájaní alebo presmerovaní vzťahu alebo pri presúvaní objektu. Je tiež možné premiestniť label manuálne. Pri použití Manual mode musíte label premiestniť manuálne.

Horizzon - label position on BPMN object
5. Setting favorite objects in site

In addition to setting views, object and relation properties, and data block fields in a site as favorites, it is now also possible to set objects in a site as favorites. Setting an object as a favorite can be done in multiple places within a site, for example, on the object Inspect page (see figure below), in the object Properties pane, and object Explore page.

Horizzon - favorite objects
Kibana replaced by OpenSearch Dashboards

Bizzdesign has moved from Kibana and Elasticsearch to OpenSearch Dashboards as the search and analytics suite for creating Horizzon dashboards. Functionally, there is no difference between Kibana and OpenSearch Dashboards. Nothing will change in creating dashboards.

7. Table view for data blocks

Data blocks on the Contribute page can now be viewed in a table view and edited from there. The table view overviews all objects with data blocks at a glance, making editing data blocks easier. The table view can be accessed by clicking Enter table view on the Contribute page.

Horizzon – table view for data blocks

The table view shows one data block at a time. If an object has multiple data blocks, select the data block you want to see via Table view of:

Horizzon – table view for data blocks

Currently, the table is still read-only; it does not yet support directly editing the rows. Data blocks can be edited by clicking an object in the table. The data block slides in from the right and fields can be edited, after which the table will be updated with the values. If a task is attached to the data block and it is completed, click Complete.

Horizzon – table view for data blocks
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